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  • Writer's pictureKandi

Weekly Bible Verse- Matt. 6:21

On my journey to be my happiest, being spirtually happy is at the top of my list. My relationship with Christ is VERY VERY important to me. In the past I have put my relationship on the back burner. But as apart of my journey of change, I have vowed to make my relationship with Christ my first priority. I started this by setting a time everyday to pray before I do anything else (including my coffee. lol). Then creating this blog about my spiritual journey to happiness.

This verse means a lot to me in my journey as it speaks to exactly what I have vowed to do. For where your treasure is.. this in the past has been my phone (as I do everything from my phone). I treasured my phone because I had so much going on with it, if I wasn't texting, I was on social media or emailing or just watching a tv show. Due to my treasure being my phone, it was also where my heart laid. I put my phone before my relationship with Christ and this had to change. Now I am on a journey to making my treasure Jesus Christ and that is where my heart will be also. Putting Christ first, before everything else will indeed help me on my spiritual journey to happiness.

I wish you all the best in your journey to being your happiest version yet.

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