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Meet Kandi

A Christ follower, SAHM, homeschooler, writer, blogger, and down to earth.. real-as-it-gets type of girl. 






I am a stay at home mom to two amazing kids, Emma 15 and Ella 7. I have been a SAHM mom more than 15 years and it has been the best experience, watching your kids grow into functioning adults. I have been married to my handsomely rugged welder of a husband for 16 years. My husband, Brian, builds gas stations like Buccess, 711, Circle K and many more. We live in Texas. I currently homeschool my kiddos and have for many years. That could possibly be changing in the near future. 

In fall of 2017 I started getting really depressed emotionally. I was slacking in every part of my life, cleaning house, being a wife and mother. I also noticed I had gained a lot of weight. I was at my heaviest (without being 9 months pregnant) weighing in at 190pounds (and that is being generous). I realized I needed to do change the way I was doing things. Over the last 10 years I had worked out here and there, I never really stuck with a program or diet too long. Now, I am getting older I knew I needed to find a workout that I liked and I could stick with long term. So, I set out to find the perfect workout for me. I bought an amazing elliptical and used it for a year, however, I didn't see the weight loss I was looking for. Using the elliptical did help my depression, and this is the reason I kept with it for so long.


By the time 2018 was here I was done using the elliptical due to not seeing the physical results I had expected to see. This is when I found Fit Tea, I thought, well this couldn't hurt my weight loss. I feel in love with Fit Tea, it allowed me to drink WAY more water which in-turn helped my depression, weight loss.. I came to realize it wasn't my lack of activity that was hindering my weight loss, it was the food/drinks I was taking in. After I started the Fit Tea, I decided to change my whole diet. I did some research and found that the Paleo way of life was better for me. I am more of the person to be able to follow a diet if you can tell me exactly what to eat, instead of telling me all the things I cannot eat. This is what the Paleo life allowed me to do. Starting the Fit Tea and the Paleo Life was in January 2018 and I lost 15 pounds within that month and over the next couple of months I kept loosing weight. Then around June 2018 I start noticing the weight gain creepin' up. This made me realize that my diet and new way of life was not sustainable if I didn't have a workout program to go along with it. Since I didn't have the time to try a bunch of workout programs, I decided to put this on the back burner and keep doing the Fit Tea and Paleo. While 2019 came and went, nothing really changed. I was still heavy, the only thing that was better was my depression. Around October, Emma started asking me to do a game with her called Just Dance. I laughed it off and told her that is not for me. She kept on trying for a couple of months, telling me all the benefits of it (including loosing weight).

For some reason I get real motivated in January to try new things ( I guess like everyone else it is due to it being a new year). I have never been one to do the whole new year resolution thing. But by now it is January 2020 and I finally decided to try the Just Dance game with Emma. I took measurements of my body prior to starting and then once a month thereafter. I noticed a visual difference in my body after the first week.. seriously! I was like "okay, I like this so far", I kept it up all of January and by the time I took measurements in February I had lost 2 1/2" off my arms... yes, you read that right, I will repeat, 2 1/2 inches off my arms!!! And that was just my arms. This is when I realized I had found my perfect work out and I had to share this secret weapon with anyone and everyone I could. This is what drove me to creating this blog. I wanted every woman to feel great in their own skin. That is exactly what this site is built to do.  Whatever your definition of that is, I want you to feel that amazing feeling. I wanted a whole community of women, men and kids to work together to back up each other in our own journey's to change. 

Changing your diet, adding a workout plan, these should not be temporary fixes. It should be a life changing alteration. If you want to be able to manage your depression and feel great in your own skin, then this has to be a life changing journey. And you do not have to go through this journey alone.. that's why Happy Healthy and Holistic is here. Let's do this together. 

God Bless you and your journey. 

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