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  • Writer's pictureKandi

Lifestyle change VS Dieting ...

When you choose a lifestyle change, you are most likely tired of the way your life is going. It could be your physical appearance, your diet, the crowd you are hangin out with, or the way your marriage is going, etc. A lifestyle change is a process that one must go through, I call this a journey. I started my journey to change January 2018 and I just started working out four months ago (Dec. 2019). The change will not happen over night, it has taken you years to get to where you currently are, looking for a lifestyle change. This process can take years to achieve the ultimate success, however, seeing the little changes during those years will keep you motivated to working towards your ultimate goal. To be successful, you should make a plan. Sit down and actually write out a plan that should include long term goals and short term goals (I will be posting more about how to create a journey plan and I will link the post to this page for easy access). A lifestyle change is something that you continually work at (for years) and it will last for years. Making a lifestyle change takes much effort on your part and it also brings MANY benefits. Take me for example, I started my journey to change to help me get out of a spout of depression I was in. I knew I did not want to take prescriptions/antidepressants (I have epilepsy and those tend to say do not take if you have a history of seizures). So, I needed to find a natural and healthy way of getting myself out of it. I started exercising and changing what I put into my body. I DID NOT do this to loose the weight I gained, it was just a very BIG bonus to getting me mentally healthy. After two weeks of working out, I felt better mentally. I was in major pain physically, lol. But mentally, I was getting to a place I could call "happiness". AND ONLY after three full months of working out, I can finally say that I am depression free and it shows in every aspect of my life. My husband and kids noticed a difference in my mood and even my 85 year old granny (that does not live near me) noticed a difference in my emotions and my attitude. These are the benefits I am talking about. You're not going to win the lottery by making lifestyle changes, however, you will acquire benefits that will mean more to you than material things like winning the lottery. I would rather have a great marriage and happy, well-taken-care-of kids, then to win the lottery. I feel like I have won the lottery of life!.. seriously!

When you choose dieting, you are looking for a quick fix, something that will happen over night. This is not the healthiest option and it doesn't take much effort, unlike the lifestyle change. However, because it does not take much effort, it also does not offer the benefits that a lifestyle change will offer you. This is why I chose to start my journey to change, not just a quick fix. Diets are short term and are not healthy. Majority of the time they do not work.

My goal with this blog is to offer you guidance and motivation to becoming the happiest, healthiest version of you possible. If there is anything I can help you with, PLEASE do not hesitate to fill out the contact form at the bottom of every page on my blog.

My God bless you on your Journey to Change,

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