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  • Writer's pictureKandi

Measurements VS Scales

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

Hey! I hope all is well with you and your family. Today, I am blogging about scales, measurements and keeping my sanity.

I DO NOT own a scale, I actually hate scales. My home is a scale free zone. If I did own a scale I would be on it every 5 seconds and that is not how I want to live my life.. constantly worrying what the scale is going to say my weight is today. I have been weighed twice in the last eight years.. yes, you read that right. I do not like being weighed. For me personally, it is a mental thing. It mentally messes with me when I am around a scale, jumping on it every minute like the numbers are just going to drop during the last 60 seconds. So, instead I choose to keep my sanity and measure myself. By measuring my body one a month I feel that I receive more benefits versus a scale. I get to physically see my fatloss, I can see where I need to work more or work less. For example, I use my right arm more than my left, so, naturally that arm will be a little thinner. Mine currently is 1/2" thinner than my left, this made me adjust my workouts to use my left arm instead of my right.

These are just a couple of the benefits, most importantly I get to keep my sanity and I do not drive myself crazy thinking about my weight, instead, I get to concentrate on my measurements lost. I also use my clothing to tell if I am actually making progress. Over the years there has been this shirt, or pair of shorts that I just could not pass up at a store (even if they didn't have it in my size), this could even be those old jeans you used to wear when you and your husband started dating. Whatever it is, I take it out and try it on, once a month. This also helps me gauge my progress.

You might be a "scale person" and I wish you all the best with that. But for this gal, I will stick with good ole measurements. Oh, and if you wanna check out progress report of my measurements since I started Click HERE

May God bless you in your journey to happiness,

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