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  • Writer's pictureKandi

Weekly Bible Verse- Psalms 55:22

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

Cast your burdens unto the Lord & He will sustain you. -Psalms 55:22

This is a verse that God laid upon my heart due to the burdens I would be facing this week. Once I spent time with God and prayed about this verse and the burden of a mother seeing her child go through a difficult situation. It breaks my heart as a mother and a human being to see Ella (my 7 yo) going through dental surgery. She has never been on anesthesia and that in itself is scary, then there is the pain she will be in after the surgery. I have cried and cried and ugly cried about this situation. Then God put this verse on my heart and I have been praying it for about a month.

Do you have burdens coming up that you need to turn over to God? Hopefully not, but we all have them. Look for unexpected burdens to popup this week. Use this weeks Bible Verse to help you with the emotional, spiritual and/or physical burden you might be facing.

Let me know in the comments if this verse helps you this week.

Lots of love,

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Mar 01, 2020

This bible verse helped me so much with Ella's surgery. It was a worry that as a mother, I couldn't take the burden alone. I would have worried myself to death, so, I prayed this prayer all week. The day before the surgery, I had a calmness wave over me and at that moment I knew he had taken the burden from me and the was still in control of the whole situation.

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